
Showing posts from July, 2020

Final Blog: Online Presence

     Growing up, being a part of Generation Z, at least half of my life has revolved around using social media, posting, communicating with my friends, and constantly scrolling to see what’s new. Personally, I check most of my social media apps such as Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Twitter multiple times a day and spend much of my free time browsing through those sites. For me, social media is a way to keep in touch with friends, creatively share content, or something to watch/look at for entertainment. Social media is truly a part of my every day and when I spend time off line, I realize just how much I use it. I use social media as a way to look back on memories, photos, times with family and friends, or sometimes even online shopping. For my social media pages, I always have been cautious around what I post because I have always grown up being told that whatever one may post on social media can never truly be deleted. Perhaps everyone has experienced the embarrassing kid photos

Final EOTO: Confirmation Bias

     Every individual has a unique view, a different perspective, and different beliefs that filter what side they may choose to see in different situations. A term most commonly thought of when viewing this is confirmation bias, broadly known as a “tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing belief or theories.” When viewing the layers of confirmation bias, individuals can refer to times within their life when perhaps they made a decision based on their beliefs or had a disagreement with someone who believed differently from them. Regardless of the case, or if an individual was even aware of the fact that they were using confirmation bias, there remains an interesting psychology behind the reasoning of people believing so strongly on something that gives them a sense of comfort when that belief is made true. In life, people need beliefs and opinions to make up their identity, to have a confidence in feeling prepared or predicting an outcome. Psychology plays