Final Blog: Online Presence

    Growing up, being a part of Generation Z, at least half of my life has revolved around using social media, posting, communicating with my friends, and constantly scrolling to see what’s new. Personally, I check most of my social media apps such as Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Twitter multiple times a day and spend much of my free time browsing through those sites. For me, social media is a way to keep in touch with friends, creatively share content, or something to watch/look at for entertainment. Social media is truly a part of my every day and when I spend time off line, I realize just how much I use it. I use social media as a way to look back on memories, photos, times with family and friends, or sometimes even online shopping. For my social media pages, I always have been cautious around what I post because I have always grown up being told that whatever one may post on social media can never truly be deleted. Perhaps everyone has experienced the embarrassing kid photos in which most of our parents post on their social media pages, but for me I just try to keep my personal pages clean of any content that would reappear as an issue for future employment. Job employers from all around the world immediately think to search individuals who wish to work for them by looking at their social media pages, so it is highly important for one to know what is acceptable and what is not. Social media can reveal a lot about who a person is, their life, values, beliefs, activities and give a clear glimpse into the type of personality in which that person possesses. My family has always had guidelines for me on social media growing up, making sure to approve my posts, but once I turned 18 they trusted this to me and because of my upbringing I have never had an issue of posting content in which I wished I hadn’t or said anything online offensive. My family has always taught me the rules for personal information in which social media sites ask for, what is okay to enter and what one should never give out, so thankfully I have never had issues with being hacked. However, a lot of my friends have experienced social media privacy issues, content in which they wished they had never posted or the drama that sometimes may come along with having social media pages. Every individual’s social media is their own personal canvas, they make it how they wish and choose what goes on it, but they must always be aware of how others may perceive this and take precautions for their own privacy. I view social media as a beneficial tool for both current and future times, but I agree upon the thoughts that everyone must become more aware to what they post and how it may affect a greater audience.

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