Eight Values of Free Expression

    2020, a year for change, innovation and a time for one to reflect upon themselves, who they are and what world they want to live in. 2020 has proven to be a year filled with many obstacles or challenges in which people have had to face head on, limited interactions, restrictions and a new way of doing things. In many cases, popular social media sites such as Instagram or Snapchat have created a way for people from all around the world to stay connected to one another, keep entertained, and create meaningful content. However, though social media can be a great way in today’s world for people to communicate with ease, it can also serve a bigger purpose, it can provide a platform for impact. The death of George Floyd has impacted the year of 2020, bringing people from all around to speak up for what they believe in, spread the word and need for change. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak many people felt limited as far as ways in which they could safely contribute, but thanks to social media sites such as Instagram, individuals spoke their truth and created a digital protests with the “#blackout.” This was a powerful day on Instagram, to see how many people could make such a big impact with a single post and during this time keeping important conversations continuing to educate those around them. When a person views these powerful messages or forms of Freedom of Speech, they consider the eight values of free expression and how those values have been proven evermore true for the year of 2020. Values such as “Individual self-fulfillment” or “Promoting Innovation” can be brought to light when viewing the social media movements, posts and taking note of how much society has grown by being allowed to voice their opinions on subject matters. Social media has greatly helped to promote the eight values of free expression by being a convenient way to spread the word, news and allowing for everyone to have their own unique platform to share their perspective. There are many whom are skeptical of social media when considering forms of negative comments, but just in the ideas of “Promoting tolerance,” under the eight values of free expression, one can see that even this can help to teach and better society. Instagram or other social media sites allow an individual to be themselves, share who they are, what they stand for, and give them an outlet to speak freely. Therefore, regardless of negative commentary, different views, or other forms of hate speech, people must be allowed a platform or opportunity to speak their minds because one never knows if something that will be said will change the world and make an impact. 



As responses to George Floyd's death go, #BlackOutTuesday was ...


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