Ashley Brown: Introduction


My name is Ashley Brown, I am from Greensboro, North Carolina and currently a junior at High Point University. I am majoring in Strategic Communications and obtaining a minor in marketing. My goals for my remaining time in college is to land internships in which will help me gain professional experience in my major and hopefully lead to a job outcome. After graduation, I hope to pursue a career within public relations or journalism and continue to better my professional writing skills. My dream job would be to become a correspondent for E-news or do public relations for my favorite clothing brands or companies. One of my accomplishments while being at High Point University has been the amazing opportunity to write an article for the "On Point Magazine"; which has given me an insight to my ideal career path moving forward. I have always had a passion for writing and hope to continue doing so in my future and obtaining skills necessary to be successful within my future profession. I also love traveling and hope to have the opportunity to do so through my career or perhaps a potential study abroad while in college. I hope that throughout this course I will be able to apply the information learned towards my career and future endeavors.



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