Blog Post: Freedom of Speech


    A great tragedy has impacted our world in a matter of days after the George Floyd case was brought to the public’s attention. This incident has caused for people within our world to speak up for justice and protest the great need for change in this time. However, there are many within the world who see these acts of protests and those who chose to speak freely upon their feelings towards this case to be wrong and therefore going against the very rights of freedom of speech. The First Amendment clearly states that people have a right to freedom of speech and expression, but those within a higher power seem to test this and try to keep the public silent. A recent protest in which came about in Buffalo, New York, showed law enforcement officers pushing back protesters who were marching peacefully through the streets in an attempt to prevent them from continuing in their cause. In this march, an elderly man was pushed to the ground as police officers gave no attention to this and continued in their duties. I found this incident and the very reasoning for protesters to be kept silent to be a complete destruction of the First Amendment which insures the freedom to speech and expression. The world is filled with great uncertainty in today’s time, emotions are at an all-time high and the need for change is clear. Individuals need the right to freedom of speech/expression to assist in educating those around them, share the cause, and improve upon the way in which procedures are handled. 

Protesters march in the streets of downtown Indianapolis on Monday.


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