Diffusion of Innovations Theory: Snapchat

      The Diffusions of Innovations Theory discusses the ideas behind how, why and at what rate new technologies our developed and used within our world. I recently researched the impact new apps such as Instagram played as far as using it as a new form of communication, but another popular app doing the same thing is Snapchat. Snapchat was founded in 2011, almost a year after Instagram, by Evan Spiegel, Reggie Brown, and Bobby Murphy. Snapchat has grown increasingly popular over the years, having about 360 million users and counting, and providing an outlet for digital communication. The world is constantly evolving, new changes, new innovations and new generations seeking what’s next. Perhaps, this ever-changing society creates the demand for new technology innovations and explains the reason for the rapid spread of using such devices or even creations for others. People thrive on communication in their day-to-day lives, but the way in which a person communicates changes and therefore so do the innovations that support them. Snapchat allows for users to post creative content through photos and videos to their Snapchat stories with the comfort of setting a time limit before they disappear and stay connected to other by messaging them or creating a Snap streak with them. Regardless for the features, how users use the app for them personally, there is no question for the fact that it has indeed became the new normal for communication in recent generations. In many cases, Snapchat is a convenient way for people to communicate and stay connected to one another, especially considering the recent effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Individuals can use the app to be creative, share memories and develop a more personalized approach to messaging with photos and/or videos. However, though the app is consider one of the most popular social media platforms used by today’s generation, there are increasing disadvantages to Snapchat that society has stated. For older generations, the idea of Snapchat is not a well-known concept, to them it seems impersonal and strays too far from the general face-to-face conversations of the past. Perhaps, this is why older generations are not found on the app, they can see the need for change as far as younger generations to learn face-to-face communication. The world is becoming more and more digital by the day, younger generations tend to have a hard time with communication unless it is digital, which can be a result of how people continue to adapt to what has been innovated. So, how will this rising digital society impact our future, what changes will be made within our world to accommodate them, but most of all, what’s next in the innovation of technology?



You can now reply to individual story snaps in Snapchat - The Verge

CivicScience | Snapchat, Facebook, and the Generational Divide of ...


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