
Showing posts from June, 2020

Eight Values of Free Expression

     2020, a year for change, innovation and a time for one to reflect upon themselves, who they are and what world they want to live in. 2020 has proven to be a year filled with many obstacles or challenges in which people have had to face head on, limited interactions, restrictions and a new way of doing things. In many cases, popular social media sites such as Instagram or Snapchat have created a way for people from all around the world to stay connected to one another, keep entertained, and create meaningful content. However, though social media can be a great way in today’s world for people to communicate with ease, it can also serve a bigger purpose, it can provide a platform for impact. The death of George Floyd has impacted the year of 2020, bringing people from all around to speak up for what they believe in, spread the word and need for change. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak many people felt limited as far as ways in which they could safely contribute, but thanks to social me

Diffusion of Innovations Theory: Snapchat

      The Diffusions of Innovations Theory discusses the ideas behind how, why and at what rate new technologies our developed and used within our world. I recently researched the impact new apps such as Instagram played as far as using it as a new form of communication, but another popular app doing the same thing is Snapchat. Snapchat was founded in 2011, almost a year after Instagram, by Evan Spiegel, Reggie Brown, and Bobby Murphy. Snapchat has grown increasingly popular over the years, having about 360 million users and counting, and providing an outlet for digital communication. The world is constantly evolving, new changes, new innovations and new generations seeking what’s next. Perhaps, this ever-changing society creates the demand for new technology innovations and explains the reason for the rapid spread of using such devices or even creations for others. People thrive on communication in their day-to-day lives, but the way in which a person communicates changes and theref

EOTC Key Post: Instgram

     In today’s world, technology has taken over all forms of communication and created a new way for people to interact with one another. One of the largest growing social media platforms, in which has allowed for people from all around the world to connect with each other, is Instagram. Instagram was developed by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, first launched on October 6 th , 2010. Before Instagram, Facebook, another popular social media platform was one of the most popular at the time, but people constantly wanted the “next big thing,” and Instagram was the answer. On April 9 th , 2012, Facebook, Inc. bought Instagram for a total of one million dollars and has sense gained over 600 million users and counting. In my generation, people prefer the option to communicate online or digitally with one another, rather than the typical face-to-face communication. Instagram provides opportunities to make this interaction more personable and convenient for users by allowing them to share ph

Blog 5: Antiwar

     Throughout history war has been a common event in which people have become highly familiar with when dealing with conflicts and other hardships. Wars have been fought, lives have been lost, and more people have developed a dream of peace within our world. Antiwar activists, in particular, have strongly voiced their opinions upon the subject of peace, stopping wars, and bringing the attention of the people to the truth of what is happening in our world. However, there are many people who can agree on the matter that antiwar activist’s websites and other articles are not heard of; one must specifically seek out this information in order to find anything on it at all. Perhaps this reasoning is because in certain cases these activist’s share their strong opinions that tell the truth of violence that is happening within our world that many people wish to block out or ignore all together. There is also the stand on the fact that antiwar activists shine a certain spotlight on the gover

Blog Post 4: First Amendment

          In times of confusion it is common for people to participate in discussion, which could lead to other forms of speech regarding the initial subject, or actions expressing how individuals feel about the matter. The recent tragedy over the death of George Floyd has sparked these responses around the world and led to protests demanding the need for change. The initial protests were sought to be peaceful, a time to receive justice, a time to educate those around the matter who were unaware that those issues are still present, but in some cases violence came about. In some areas, in which protests were occurring, groups of protestors participated in acts of violence, looting stores, and damaging other property within the area. The First Amendment creates the right to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly to allow protestors to speak up for what they believe is right, what they believe needs to change and allows a chance for people to heal together. However, though these righ

Blog Post 3: Guidelines to Freedom of Speech?

     Confusion, uncertainty, and reflection can all be deemed as common themes appearing for the year of 2020. On May 25 th , 2020, the death of George Floyd hit our world and brought the need for change to light. Emotions have been on high resulting in peaceful protests, educational posts upon the matter and a time of unity. However, during this time of mixed emotions there have been many cases of powerful posts through social media and due to this the cause for discussion of the rights of the First Amendment come to question. There have been many cases in which social media sites make the decision to ban certain posts or take them down due to the content that they possess, but the most recent case surrounding the events of George Floyd, can be that of the President of the U.S. on Facebook. President Donald Trump posted a Facebook post addressing issues on the events and a great number of employees in the Facebook Company and the public found them to contain a level of violence. How

Blog Post: Supreme Court

     The history of the U.S. Supreme Court can present great insights to our world and how history can guide us in bettering the ways in which matters are handled. In the U.S. Supreme Court, Court Justices hold great responsibility in upholding the law of the Constitution, but also a great duty to the public in a sense of fairness. The Court Justices must also hold great authority to be able to decide upon whether or not cases can be deemed as Constitutional or not. In many cases, the Court Justices can seek guidance for making their decisions based upon the written words that appear in the Constitution for wisdom in dealing with public matters. The Supreme Court holds a wide range of petitions for review of each case and the Justices have the difficult task on labeling which shall move forward and which will be denied. There are key points and questions in which form after a lengthy discussion upon each case, disagreements that may arise, but one matter is clear, that there is a lev

Blog Post: Freedom of Speech

          A great tragedy has impacted our world in a matter of days after the George Floyd case was brought to the public’s attention. This incident has caused for people within our world to speak up for justice and protest the great need for change in this time. However, there are many within the world who see these acts of protests and those who chose to speak freely upon their feelings towards this case to be wrong and therefore going against the very rights of freedom of speech. The First Amendment clearly states that people have a right to freedom of speech and expression, but those within a higher power seem to test this and try to keep the public silent. A recent protest in which came about in Buffalo, New York, showed law enforcement officers pushing back protesters who were marching peacefully through the streets in an attempt to prevent them from continuing in their cause. In this march, an elderly man was pushed to the ground as police officers gave no attention to this a

Ashley Brown: Introduction

   My name is Ashley Brown, I am from Greensboro, North Carolina and currently a junior at High Point University. I am majoring in Strategic Communications and obtaining a minor in marketing. My goals for my remaining time in college is to land internships in which will help me gain professional experience in my major and hopefully lead to a job outcome. After graduation, I hope to pursue a career within public relations or journalism and continue to better my professional writing skills. My dream job would be to become a correspondent for E-news or do public relations for my favorite clothing brands or companies. One of my accomplishments while being at High Point University has been the amazing opportunity to write an article for the "On Point Magazine"; which has given me an insight to my ideal career path moving forward. I have always had a passion for writing and hope to continue doing so in my future and obtaining skills necessary to be successful within my future pro